50.5803° N, 3.7551° W

50.5803° N, 3.7551° W explores the elements that come together to make up the experience of walking on Dartmoor: the detail and the expanse.

50.5803° N, 3.7551° W combines a single photograph from Haytor and the contour lines of the Ordinance Survey map depicting that same site. The image is a close up: a rock face, grass, moss and heather. These are the details, the elements that linger in the mind after walking. The final page is the only complete copy of the photograph used, but look at the book head on and you can see the image in its entirety, the contour lines burrowing through every page of the book. These same contour lines are repeated on the cover of the clamshell portfolio box. The title, 50.5803° N, 3.7551° W, invites interaction, offering the exact longitude and latitude of the book's location, tempting the audience to search for the rock face depicted, a search that in the end is too exacting for success but would lead audiences into the expanse of the moors.

50.5803° N, 3.7551° W is a limited edition artists book. It is available to buy HERE