The Ellentree

If seeing is believing I have seen enough...


The Ellentree is a short fantasy story told through photography and poetic text. The story follows Evelyn in his search for the mystical Ellentree. The book explores themes of reality, seeing as believing, hope and the self.

To create the photographs featured within The Ellentree artist Rosie Sherwood folded hundreds of origami cranes and temporarily installed them in locations across London and Devon. Once the book had been published these birds became a way of bringing the book alive beyond the page, exhibiting the Ellentree and the origami birds at various events including turn the page Artists Book Fair and Symposium (2016), and the Origami Open at the 20-21 Visual Arts Centre (2018).

A selection of the photographs can be viewed below. Click on the image to enlarge.

The Ellentree was published in a limited edition of 50 (print run incomplete), copyright 2016. Some copies of the book are available made to order. You can purchase them HERE

The Ellentree has a secret audio/visual ebook that can only be accessed by purchasing the physical book. The teaser trailer can be viewed below. Writer and musician Nicholas Herrmann composed the music in response to the story.

Rosie Sherwood is an artist, scholar, publisher and curator. At the heart of Sherwood’s interdisciplinary practice is a fascination with time and a desire to tell stories. In 2012 Rosie Sherwood founded As Yet Untitled and Elbow Room, successfully crowd funding to expand the publishing company in 2015. Sherwood is the Creative Director of turn the page Artists Book Fair and Symposium. Sherwood graduated from Camberwell College of Art with an MA in Book Arts in 2013.